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Monthly Projects

These are the monthly projects I have worked on this year!

Kevin Shoebox.jpg

Shoe Box Diorama

Clue in the Chimney 

Written by Jenny Phillips

Summary by Kevin Lewis


This story takes place right outside  the house in Badger Hills farm. The main Characters are Timothy, Zoey, John, Lilly and Nana Bell.  The  plot of the story is the need to get money to go to the hills of Hirzel to find the greatest treasure  yet!!! Timothy changes by being less scared and he stands up for himself.


 Zoey and Timothy were trying to figure out how to get the treasure out of the chimney so that they could go to Hirzel. It was so much hard work. They had to ask their neighbor who is a professional construction worker to take apart the chimney. It was amazing to see and to read how hard they worked.  When they got it down and they looked inside there were gold coins. Each coin was worth $2000. There were 20 coins. It was so fun to read. I strongly encourage you to read it!  There are more books in this series, and more adventures are to follow!


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